Face to Face Interview
"Interviews are Nerve-Racking"
No matter how many times you've gone through it, the thought of being interviewed can still make you feel nervous. Just remember, it's also hard to be an interviewer.
"What makes a great Interview?"
Be fully prepared
Study the job profile and get to know the company before your interview. Learn what kind of person the position needs. Keep in mind the company's principles, core values and goals while evaluating every potential employee.
Make sure you have a list of good questions to ask at the end. Let the client know that you are interested in the company, product and people.
Pacing is important
A great interview sounds just like any other engaging conversation. Communicate with the interviewer properly and take time to think about your next answer.
Be Friendly
Interviews are gruelling enough. Lighten the mood by maintaining a warm tone and listening to your interviewer intently.
Answer Truthfully
If you're applying for a job, you've got to be honest about yourself and your background.
Let the interviewer know your strong points, but be truthful when they ask about your weak points.
Everyone's trying to sound impressive. Your best bet is to be as honest and genuine as you can possibly be.
Don't oversell yourself
Remember that if you're going to be hired, you'll have to prove everything you said in your interview. It's best to be honest about your skills so they have a clear picture of how you can contribute to the company.
Be grateful for the opportunity.
Being turned down doesn't dictate your worth as an employee. Turn this into a learning opportunity and do something different if necessary in a future interview. Sometimes it is just not to be, please remember that every interview is a great learning opportunity.
Stay true to yourself
In the span of your career, you will be given plenty of opportunities to express yourself. Put your best foot forward and show why you are a great person to work with.
Enjoy yourself
Take the opportunity to learn something new. If you come across as interested and engaged it does go a long way!
Cannot attend?
It is vital that you let the recruiter/ company know that you cannot make the interview as soon as possible.
Competency Interview Examples
Please note, that these questions are examples that could be asked in a competency-based interview
What do you know about our business?
Have you had time to look at our website:
Do you relate to our core values?
What Transferable skills do you hold?
Give an example of a time you handled conflict in the workplace
Give an example of a challenge you faced in the workplace, and how you overcame it
What is your biggest achievement?
How did you reach the decision that you wanted to change your job?
Top 3 skills
Tell me about a time your communication skills improved a situation
Give an example of a time you’ve had to improvise to achieve your goal
In a situation where the result was not in your favour, what would you do differently
Why should we hire you and why are you a good fit?
Give an example of change in the workplace and how you handled this
Give an example of a time you identified a new approach to a workplace problem
When did you work hardest and feel greatest achievement Personal or work?
Give an example of team leading in past employment
How do you cope with adverse circumstances?
How would you deal with a difficult individual and how did you deal with this?
How would react when you have had to make a difficult decision at work that could affect the team dynamic and knock-on effect?
When answering try remembering STAR METHOD:
A Situation they have been in that demonstrates the competency in question.
The Task that, because of that situation, they were challenged to complete.
The Action they took to complete the task.
Followed by the Result of that action (hopefully a positive one!)
Key points:
Understand and know your CV.
Read through the role profile and then read it again.
Confidence is key
Be honest about things you don’t know
Know the dates on the CV
Think of relevant answers to the questions
Answer the points from the job spec